ToggleBD 2.00 now available

Fred Graute has released version 2.00 of his Pinboard support module, ToggleBD, which can be used to raise the background of your desktop to the top of the window stack – effectively bringing it to the front of the display, with any open windows behind it – so that you can access anything pinned to it, such as iconised windows, shortcuts to files, and so on. Once you’ve got at what you need, the backdrop can be lowered again so that all your open windows can be accessed as normal.

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ToggleBD version 1.09 released

Fred Graute has released a new version of ToggleBD, a utility to raise the desktop backdrop to the front so that objects pinned to it are more easily accessible than by minimising windows and/or moving them around in order to find that pinned item. Using its iconbar icon, or a configurable hot-key combination, the backdrop can be both raised and lowered, so once you’ve found and used that pinned item, it’s quick and easy to return to your original task.

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Snippets – 21st June 2011

David Higton reported on the RISC OS Open forums that at the Southamton Acorn Users Group meeting on 14th June, to which he took his BeagleBoard for the purposes of this, he “demonstrated copying the files from a bootable SD card to an empty (formatted) SD card and booting from the latter.”

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