ToggleBD version 1.09 released

Fred Graute has released a new version of ToggleBD, a utility to raise the desktop backdrop to the front so that objects pinned to it are more easily accessible than by minimising windows and/or moving them around in order to find that pinned item.

Using its iconbar icon, or a configurable hot-key combination, the backdrop can be both raised and lowered, so once you’ve found and used that pinned item, it’s quick and easy to return to your original task.

Version 1.09 of the software deals with a couple of issues found with the previous release – most notably, that pressing F12 and then Return (to invoke a redraw of the whole screen) with the backdrop raised could sometimes lead to windows seeming to disappear.

Other changes include the addition of a text manual for use on those systems without StrongHelp, as well as better handling of the relevant system variable to prevent an error on those same systems, and various underlying improvements.

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