They’ll see things you people wouldn’t believe. The RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) next meets up on Monday, 15th July, and this month they’ll be hallucinating. No, wait, I meant they’ll have Nathan Atkinson from Visions of the Impossible as their guest speaker.
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Bristol RISC OS Users meeting – 11th July
The next meeting of Bristol RISC OS Users (BRU) will take place on Thursday, 11th September.
Read MoreStreetFix gains support for multiple languages
A new version of StreetFix has been released by Kevin Wells. The software provides a means for RISC OS users to report and check upon local issues, such as damaged street furniture, potholes in the road, and so on – all from within an application on the RISC OS desktop, rather than via a web browser.
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