Well, okay, shockingly good ones, anyway!
Following on from yesterday’s ‘Not the London Show’ offers, RISCOSbits’ stock of Raspberry Pi 4-based machines hasn’t quite been depleted, so the company has decided to extend the offers to cover the Halloween and Bonfire Night period – at least while stocks last.
With very limited numbers – there are only two available – the first offer is not for the faint-hearted, because the machine on offer is a bit of a beast. The RISC OS Monster Mash-ine (and you can definitely blame RISCOSbits’ Andy Marks for that one) is based on the 2.28GHz Pi Harder system. It comes with a full 8GB RAM, a 240GB SSD, and includes both RISC OS and Pi OS, utilising RISCOSbits’ new themeable EDOS. If you want to be one of the brave souls willing to confront this beast – available for £239.00 – contact the company, quoting ‘RISC OS Monster’.
Down to the last couple of machines, the next option is for Pi Harder Lite machines, running again at 2.28GHz, and sporting 2GB RAM and a 32GB SD for storage. These machines are easily upgraded at a later point to drop the ‘Lite’ monicker, and wheigh in at just £169.00 – but as a RISC OS Rewards offer, if you’re an Archive subscriber, that price can be discounted to £159.00.
Also limited to the last two, PiRO Noir is next. These feature a 2GB Pi 4, clocked at 2GHz, and a 64GB micro SD card, and are priced at just £119.00.
The FOURtress Lite machine is the final offer, with a mere £99.00 getting you the impressively small machine based on a 2GB Pi4, clocked at 2.2GHz, and with a 32GB SD card for storage. Once again, it’s easy to drop the ‘Lite’ suffix at a later date, this time with an NVMe drive and EDOS.
RISCOSbits’ machines are supplied with over 2GB of bundled software, including exclusing fan and power control software – and through the dark magic of PayPal, payment for any of the machines can be spread over three months.