But if there is, it might be a sort of ‘Plan B.1’ (if that makes sense!)
For the last few months, Steve Potts has been announcing the RISC OS North West User Group’s meetings with a warning that, due to ongoing building refurbishment work, it’s possible that the group might not be able to meet in the usual place. To that end, he has provided a ‘Plan B’ that would see the group relocate to an alternative venue if necessary.
The regular meeting place, where the meeting is scheduled to start around 7:20pm to 7:30pm is:
Finnybank Road
M33 6LR
As per the last few months, Steve suggests that those who wish to attend head there as usual. With the possible unavailability of the usual room, the instructions for the last few meetings have involved looking for Steve’s car in the car park and, if it’s not there, to head for the alternative venue.
However, that car is currently in for repairs after someone drove into the back of it – so anyone looking for the car on Wednesday evening will definitely not see it (a bit like the person who drove into the rear of it, then – except in their case, the car definitely was in front of them!)
So the .1 increment to the plan is to look for Steve personally – or any of the other ‘usual suspects’ – and if there’s no sign, it probably means the group has headed off to the alternative venue: a nearby pub called the Buck Inn.
To find it, you need to leave Finnybank Road and turn right onto Glebelands Road. According to Steve’s instructions, the Buck Inn is at the crossroads where Glebelands Road becomes Buck Lane – while Google Maps claims Glebelands Road becomes Green lane, putting the pub at the crossroads where Green Lane becomes Buck Lane.
Whichever of those is correct, though, it’s a case of continuing straight on once you get onto Glebelands Road. When you reach the crossroads in question, you’ll see the Buck Inn on the opposite corner, and you carry on past the pub, to find the car park just beyond on Buck Lane.
The group’s meetings, which usually take place on the third Wednesday of each month, are open to anyone interested in RISC OS, and there are no membership or entrance fees – so just pop along and join in!