Two talks for the price of one* at WROCC on 6th March

Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club logo

* And the meeting is already free, so that makes this a bargain!

Wednesday, 6th March, will see the next Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) meeting take place, and this month attendees will get two talks from two different people, rather than the usual one.

The first speaker will be Chris Hughes, following up a talk he gave in July 2022 about Impact and how he uses it for WROCC administration – this time he’ll be looking at other aspects of the program beyond those covered by that talk.

Peter Richmond will then take centre stage to discuss using older computers with newer monitors and TVs.

The meeting will be held online via Zoom, and any RISC OS user who is interested is welcome to join, with no requirement for being a WROCC member. You will need the Zoom software installed on a suitable device, though (it’s available for most mainstream platforms) and the meeting credentials.

If you don’t already have the credentials from previous meetings, simply contact WROCC in plenty of time, then simply log-in at around 7:45pm on Wednesday evening.

Although the meeting is open to any RISC OS user, regardless of WROCC membership status, it’s well worth supporting the group by joining; the cost is just £7.50 each year, and you get the group’s self-titled monthly newsletter sent to your inbox as a PDF file, along with access to their online discussion forum.

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