Changes to telephone and broadband services – WROCC meeting, 3rd April

Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club logo

The Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) will next meet on Wednesday, 3rd April, and the subject of the meeting – with Chris Hughes taking the podium – are the changes that are coming for the UK’s telephone and broadband services.

Taking place online over Zoom, the meeting will commence at 7:45pm, and is free for anyone to join – the only thing you’ll need are the access details, which you should have if you’ve attended other recent meetings, otherwise they are available on request.

Although the meeting is open to any RISC OS user, regardless of WROCC membership status, it’s well worth supporting the group by joining; the cost is just £7.50 each year, and you get the group’s self-titled monthly newsletter sent to your inbox as a PDF file, along with access to their online discussion forum.

And don’t forget that another ‘meeting’ organised by the Wakefield crowd will take place later this month – an altogether bigger meeting, in the form of the annual Wakefield Show, which (like the last couple of years) is being held slightly outside the club’s home-city – it’s taking place (on Saturday, 27th April1) at the Cedar Court Hotel in Bradford.


  1. 27th April is just one day away from the ARM processor’s birthday, which is the day before. Interestingly, 26th April next year – which will be the processor’s 40th – will fall on a Saturday. Let’s hope it’s possible to arrange the Wakefield Show for that Saturday in 2025!

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