Wakefield 2022 – show report

With no London Show today, it’s a perfect time to remember Wakefield! This year’s Wakefield show was a slightly unusual one for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the show was held around a month later than usual, on 21st May, rather than its traditional April slot – although you could also argue that it had returned to its original traditional month; the show started out in May back in 1996.

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Money saving tech tips at the next WROCC meeting

Insert joke about the people of Yorkshire and saving money wherever possible… here! With the cost of living rising at a rate approaching escape velocity – suggesting NASA’s Artemis 1 mission might be fuelled by British prices – any tips and tricks on how to save money will be welcomed by many at the moment. And at this month’s Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) meeting, Peter Richmond will be looking at just this issue.

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