Keeping up with the Joneses YouTube Wget Murnong, Christopher Martin’s application for downloading YouTube videos, has been updated to version 2.32. The software is designed to parse web pages fed to it that have been saved from YouTube, Google’s video sharing website, so that the address of the embedded video can be established. Once it’s done that, it launches Wget to download the file so that it can be played with FFplay or converted with FFmpeg – both of which have been ported to RISC OS by Christopher.
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Murnong 2.20, 2.21 released
I love the smell of videos in the murnong! Christopher Martin recently updated Murnong first to version 2.20 and then, the following day, to version 2.21. Murnong is an application that, given a page that has been saved from YouTube, will process the page to work out the address of the embedded video, and launch wget to download it so that it can be played/converted with FFplay/FFmpeg (ported to RISC OS by Christopher) – thus allowing RISC OS users to enjoy the content of Google’s video sharing website, albeit in…
Read MoreFFplay speed boost
Smooth moves for the movies. FFplay, the simple media player closely associated with FFmpeg, has been updated. The version number remains at 1.23, and Christopher Martin, who has been working on both, describes the update as a minor one. A minor update which increases the player’s speed by up to 10%, with particular benefit to full-screen mode. “Movies that would mostly play, but with some jittering should now play quite smoothly” explains Christopher – who also jokingly clarifies that the “up to 10%” increase is “not an exact figure”
Read MoreFFmpeg and FFplay updates
Movie magic! Development of FFmpeg and FFplay continues, with Christopher Martin having released version 1.23 of these applications a few days before this year’s Wakefield show. FFmpeg is a versatile, open source, multi-platform video and audio converter, described as “the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created” on its home site. The software makes it possible to process many movie formats which would otherwise either not be possible, or at least very difficult and…
Read MoreFFmpeg, FFplay, DRenderer updated
Updates that are a bit like buses. Except more frequent. So not like buses at all, then. New versions of FFmpeg and FFplay have been made available by Christopher Martin, bringing them up to version 1.22, along with another update to the Digital Renderer (DRenderer) module, bringing it to version 0.56 (beta release 6). FFmpeg is a versatile, open-source, multi-platform video and audio converter, described on its home site as “the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans…
Read MoreFFmpeg and FFmplay performance improvements
New versions of FFmpeg and FFplay have been made available by Christopher Martin, bringing them up to version 1.21, along with another update to the Digital Renderer (DRenderer) module, bringing it to version 0.55. FFmpeg is a versatile, open-source, multi-platform video and audio converter, described on its home site as “the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created.” FFmpeg makes it possible to process a large number of movie formats for which there are…
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