Things are about to get violent with Beatstreets

With the release of a second edition of Code the Classics from the Raspberry Pi stable (Side note; there’s apparently now a Code the Classics Volume II from Raspberry Pi Press, with their interpretations of another five classic games!) Jeroen Vermeulen has set his sights once again on creating RISC OS versions of the games included within its covers – and the first of these is now available.

Beatstreets for RISC OS cover image
Beatstreets for RISC OS cover image.

Bringing violence to a RISC OS computer near you, the objective in Beatstreets is to work your way through the streets, where you’ll encounter wave after wave of questionable characters – and your only way to get past them is to take them down with extreme prejudice.

You can punch or kick them, or deliver an elbow punch or a flying kick – and you can even pick up nearby objects, such as barrels, and throw them at these thugs. You can even pretend to be Indiana Jones and use a whip against them!

A screenshot of the RISC OS version of Beatstreets - throwing a barrel at the enemies
A screenshot of the RISC OS version of Beatstreets – throwing a barrel at the enemies.

Watch out as well for mysterious portals, which will deliver more enemies in quick succession – it’s important to destroy the portals as quickly as possible so as not to become overwhelmed.

A screenshot of the RISC OS version of BeatStreets - portals bringing more thugs to fend off
A screenshot of the RISC OS version of Beatstreets – portals bringing more thugs to fend off.

Jeroen has tested his version of the game on a Raspberry Pi 2, RPCEmu 0.9.5, and a Raspberry Pi 4, with RISC OS 5.30/5.31, Python 3.8, and Pygame 1.96, and expects it to be compatible with other RISC OS 5 platforms as well – though he recommends a Pi 4 or something with similar performance to get the best out of it. He also notes that there is a second set of options provided that should be used when playing on RPCEmu, due to its memory constraints.

The game can be played via the keyboard, or with a simple controller that can be plugged in to a USB port.

Beatstreets can be downloaded from !Store.

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