X-Ample Technology comes to WROCC

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The next Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) meeting is almost upon us – it takes place on Wednesday, 7th August – and the guest speaker this month will be Paul Reuvers from X-Ample Technology (XAT).

Based in the Netherlands, XAT was at one time the Dutch representative for Computer Concepts, and later became the official Acorn distributor. The company also has a range of products of their own, having developed presentation software, medical applications, databases, both software and hardware for television subtitling, and much more.

Paul’s talk will provide an overview of his involvement with the Acorn/RISC OS world – which goes all the way back to the early 1980s, and takes us right up to the present day, as Paul still uses the platform on a daily basis for a variety of tasks, including software development.

And on that subject, he may even be able to demonstrate a piece of software that is still under development.

The meeting, which will be held online, will take place on Wednesday, August 7th at 7:45pm. There are no entry requirements other than being able to join a Zoom meeting – so you’ll need a computer or other device that runs the software, an internet connection, and the meeting credentials, which you can get by contacting the group if you don’t already have them. (If you’ve joined other recent WROCC meetings, the details are the same – so you should have them.)

Although the meeting is open to any RISC OS user, regardless of WROCC membership status, it’s well worth supporting the group by joining; the cost is just £7.50 each year, and you get the group’s self-titled monthly newsletter sent to your inbox as a PDF file, along with access to their online discussion forum.

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