Discover advanced RiscOSM techniques with WROCC – 10th January

Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club logo

The first Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) meeting of 2024 will take place on Wednesday, 10th January – a week later than the regular date, which would have been the 3rd – and the guest speakers will be Matthew and Hilary Philips from Sine Nomine.

The subject of their talk will be RiscOSM, their mapping application that takes data converted from Open Street Map and makes it usable on RISC OS. However, rather than a simple demonstration of that package and what it can do, they will instead be looking at more advanced use – such as how to use it from your own code, to develop applications and tools that can communicate with RiscOSM, and even act as a go-between to connect it to web-based APIs.

The meeting will be held online by way of the Zoom video conferencing system, and is open for any RISC OS user to join – you don’t need to be a WROCC member. What you will need, though, is the Zoom software installed on something suitable – it’s available for most mainstream platforms – and the meeting credentials.

If you don’t already have those credentials from previous meetings, they are available from WROCC – just contact the group in plenty of time, then simply log-in for around 7:45pm on Wednesday evening.

Although the meeting is open to any RISC OS user, regardless of WROCC membership status, it’s well worth supporting the group by joining; the cost is a mere £7.50 each year, and you get the group’s self-titled monthly newsletter sent to your inbox as a PDF file, along with access to their online discussion forum.

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