Taking a break from having formal speakers, the next RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) meeting – which takes place on Monday – will simply be a social event, allowing people to get together for a bite to eat and a drink, and to discuss all things RISC OS.
Attendees – whether in person or over the internet via Zoom – are free to ‘bring along’ (or have on hand if using Zoom) any projects they’re working on, or problems they’d like help with, to show off and discuss with everyone else.
ROUGOL is also trying to organise a meeting – harking back to one that took place just before all the Covid-induced chaos and lockdowns about fixing up BBC Micros, and related matters – but this time about fixing up more modern (for some values of modern) machines – Archimedes and RiscPCs. If you have any ideas to put forward for that, or could take a turn speaking and/or demonstrating how to do something relevant to the topic, perhaps you could bring it up on Monday evening (or contact the group to suggest it). ROUGOL has raised the topic on Stardot, so keep an eye on that discussion to see how it’s progressing.
The meeting will take place on Monday, 19th June, and will be a hybrid one – anyone local (normally or for that evening) can join the group in the pub, but if that’s not an option it will also be held online via Zoom.
To join in person, you’ll need to head to:
The Duke of Sussex pub,
(Upstairs, in the Chichester Room)
23 Baylis Road,
London, SE1 7AY.
Located just behind Waterloo Station, the pub is easy to reach by public transport, and for drivers there is car parking available on Coral Street from 6:30pm – directions for people coming via either means can be found on the ROUGOL website.
To join online, you’ll need the Zoom software installed on a suitable computer or other device, a comfortable chair, easy access to drinks and snacks (ideally), and the meeting credentials. You’ll have to sort out most of that for yourselves, but the credentials can be obtained by contacting ROUGOL in plenty of time for the meeting.
Please note that if you’ve attended any other recent ROUGOL meetings using Zoom, those credentials remain the same – so you should already have them.
The meeting will officially begin at 7:45pm, but the Zoom session should be open from 7:30pm to allow people to join before the main talk begins, and for those heading to the pub you can expect ROUGOL members to be around from 6:30pm.