Last November, Gerph gave a talk to the RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) on the subject of Pyromaniac, which he initially launched earlier that year as the RISC OS Build Service, and discussed how it came about and how it was developed, and its practical use for testing things. One year on, he is returning to the group to give a follow-up presentation, to update the group on what he’s done with it since.
He will talk about what he planned to do with it, and what actually got done – as anyone involved in independent software development knows, these can often be two different things! Not all of the work he’s done in the past year has been directly on Pyromaniac, so his talk will cover how the system has been used to test things, and also a little about the documentation.
The meeting will be a hybrid one, with some people attending in person at the group’s venue, and others watching from the comfort of their own homes via Zoom – which is how Gerph himself will be presenting (and those in the pub watching) – so there will be demonstrations of the system in use. However, this time those watching via Zoom will be have the opportunity to participate not just by asking questions, but (if they have a VNC client running) by actually trying out some of the demonstrated features live. Meanwhile, for those in the pub, there will be props to examine and discuss. For both types of attendee, there will be time for questions after the main talk.
The meeting will take place on Monday, 15th November, starting at 7:45pm – though the meeting will be open for Zoom attendees to join from 7:30pm, and the meeting room in the venue will be open from 6:30pm. That venue is:
The Duke of Sussex,
(Upstairs in the Chichester Room),
23 Baylis Road,
SE1 7AY.
For those joining remotely, you will need a device running the Zoom video conferencing software, and the access details. If you’ve attended any other recent ROUGOL meetings, those access details remain the same, but if not just get in touch to request them.
Looking ahead, the next meeting after this one will take place on 17th January, when Jeroen Vermeulen will talk about how he ported the games from the Raspberry Pi Code the Classics book to run on RISC OS, and on 21st March Herbert zur Nedden will be talking about GAG News, the magazine published by the German Archimedes Group. There is no meeting in December and, as yet, nothing is scheduled for February. If you have something you’d like to talk about for that meeting – or any other future meeting – or have an idea for something you’d like to see covered, contact ROUGOL to see what can be done!