Covering a trio of subjects, Chris Hall will be the guest speaker at the next Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) meeting, which will take place on Wednesday, 2nd June, at 7:45pm, and will once again be held online, so anyone with an interest can join.
The first subject Chris will be covering is the current development work on Impression, the desktop publishing application that began life with Computer Concepts and, after a step or two along the way, is now in the hands of RISC OS Developments.
This will be followed by an overview of Cat, which can be used to produce a tree diagram of a disc’s (or directory’s) contents, demonstrating how it can be used to identify changed contents and more besides.
Finally, Chris will look at his commercial application, FamTree, an application for producing a family tree from genealogy data – but cunningly does so using a similar technique to Cat, with the source data stored in a directory structure.
The meeting will be held online using the Zoom video conferencing system, so if you wish to attend you will need the software running on a suitable device and the log-in details. The latter can be obtained by contacting WROCC – ideally by the end of Tuesday, 1st June. In addition to those, other handy things to have for the meeting include a suitable place to sit, a supply of snacks and drinks, and a lack of distractions, all of which are entirely under your control. Well, some of them are – probably.
If you’d like to look back over a selection previous meetings, check out the Club’s meetings page, which links to those that have been recorded and uploaded to YouTube.
The Club offers a membership subscription priced at just £15.00 per year, reduced to £7.50 for the first year, and in return for that members receive:
- A PDF newsletter delivered straight to your
dooremail inbox, with news and features. - Free entry into physical meetings when they are able to take place – for non-members there is a £3.00 entry fee.
- Access to the WROCC’s internet discussion forum.
Further details can be found on the Club’s website.