…to be announced on Monday, 16th August!
The annual RISC OS Awards poll was brought to a close recently a month and a half ago and it’s now time to reveal the results. This would normally be done in the form of a thread on the RISCOSitory Twitter account followed by a post here on the site, with the Awards website itself then updated accordingly…
This year, however, things are being handled a little differently.
If you want to hear – yes hear – the results when they are first revealed, you can don your best bib and tucker and venture out to the venue that has been chosen for the results ceremony. However, as with all major awards ceremonies, you could just sit at home and watch it on TV. Sort of.
Presenting the Awards will be the man who is well known not only in the RISC OS community, but far beyond as well – at least as far as the next street over. In both directions! The man that dogs have formed their own religion around; the almighty legend that is the one and only Vince M. Hudd.
Er, that’s me, folks! And okay, I may have gone a little overboard there – but I’m pretty sure the dogs part is true!
There may be surprises and shocks at some of the results (although probably not, truth be told) and you’ll be able to witness all the excitement and nervousness of the nominees as they wait on tenterhooks to find out whether they’ve won or lost. Well, actually, you probably won’t because I’ll be sharing my screen to show the results as slides (note to self: prepare the slides) – so you’ll just have to use your imagination!
But you’ll be able to see them being handed the Award trophies! Okay, no, that’s not true, either. You’ll be able to see the Awards graphics in my slides. That’s almost the same thing, though, right?
The paparazzi are also likely to be present – so get too close to a RISC OS ‘name’ and you may find yourself the subject of speculation in the papers for weeks. Okay, okay; Mark Stephens from The Icon Bar will probably be attending – he usually joins the meetings via Zoom – and will likely publish the results on that red blue top website before the celebrations even end.
Hosted by the RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL), the Awards ceremony will take place at the group’s next meeting, which is on Monday, 16th August, starting at 7:45pm. The meeting will be a hybrid affair, with an online element for those wishing to watch from afar, and for those wishing to attend in person, the red whatever coloured carpet will be rolled out on the floor already (assuming they even have carpets), at:
The Duke of Sussex,
(Upstairs in the Chichester Room),
23 Bayliss Road,
SE1 7AY.
The pub benefits from car parking outside on Coral Street from 6:30pm, and is within a stone’s throw of Waterloo Station. Members of ROUGOL should be around from 6:30pm to meet and greet any VIPs that descend upon this most prestigious of events – for which there is no entry fee.
For anyone wishing to watch online, you’ll be able to do so using the Zoom video conferencing suite, which is available for most main platforms. You will need log-in credentials, which are unchanged from other recent ROUGOL meetings if you’ve attended any, or can be obtained by getting in touch.
So get your champagne ready (or another drink if you prefer) and I’ll see you then!