Time for a good dollop of ketchup… erm, I mean, time to catch up! As ever, the result of devoting time to getting ready for a RISC OS show means putting other work to one side to deal with after – which therefore means I tend to be busy after the show, leading to a lack of updates to RISCOSitory (an effect worsened when the show happens to fall at the start of what is going to be a busy period anyway, as some do). So the best way to…
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Wakefield is just about upon us
So there’s no time for even a snifter of a snippet. As usual, in the run up to the annual Wakefield Show, the premier event in the land of RISC OS, announcements and updates are ten-a-penny. And, as usual, I am exhibiting at the show with my Soft Rock Software hat on. This normally means that as show day gets closer and closer, I have a lot to do – and, consequently, I haven’t had time to sift through the various announcements that have reached my inbox.
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Hot off the virtual press, the RISC OS community now has another source of news and opinion in the form of The RISC OS Blog. The emphasis, states the blogger, will be on “modern RISC OS”. He (or she) intends to write “the occasional snippets of news regarding the RISC OS operating system and all that surrounds it, and just generally [write] about the platform as a whole.”
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