GAG-News DVD collection to commemorate it reaching 175

That’s 175 issues, not 175 years, obviously!

In May of this year, the German Archimedes Group magazine GAG-News will have reached its 175th issue, having been published consistently every two months since April 1992. The magazine’s publisher, Herbert zur Nedden, notes that this probably makes it the only printed1 Acorn/RISC OS magazine to have managed such a long run with no breaks in its schedule.

In order to mark the occasion, a DVD will be available containing PDF files of every issue from the very first all the way up to the 175th. If orders are placed for the DVD before 21st February of this year – a purely arbitrary date chosen by Herbert because it looks nice when written as digits – it can be had by non-subscribers for a reduced introductory price of €25 plus shipping of €4 in Germany, €6 elsewhere. Existing subscribers who order by that date also have a reduced price – €20, with no shipping (for subscribers who purchase it, the DVD will be sent out along with issue 175 of the magazine itself).

After the introductory period is over – orders placed by the above date, and funds received by Herbert by 14th April – the price for the DVD will be €30 plus shipping as above for non-subscribers, while the subscriber price becomes €25 with no shipping.

To place an order, please contact Herbert and he will let you know how to pay – for overseas customers, the best method is a simple friend-to-friend Paypal transfer, which attracts no fees; if you wish to pay this way, Herbert will let you know the email address to use as the recipient. Alternatively, for those able to pay by bank transfer he will let you know his details.

Please note that GAG-News is a German language magazine – so if you aren’t able to read German, it may not be of too much interest to you!


  1. I’ve been contacted by the Wakefield RISC OS RISC OS Computer Club to point out that their newsletter, currently called the WROCC, has been published each month since 1983, which gives it almost ten additional years worth of monthly issues compared with GAG-News. However, it’s worth noting the main difference between the two – each issue of the WROCC is published and sent out by email as a PDF file (although it will have been printed in the past), while GAG-News is sent out in printed form. I believe that the comparison Herbert was making was with other printed magazines, most notably Archive magazine which became unfortunately sporadic (and will hopefully now be back on a regular schedule) – so I’ve added the word ‘printed’ in the first paragraph to clarify that.

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