Southampton meeting in August – usual place, different time

Last month it was usual time, different place – will both differ next month?

The Southampton RISC OS Users Group will be holding it’s next meeting on Wednesday (oops…) Tuesday, 8th August – in the usual venue, but not at the usual time.

The group normally meets in the Itchen College Sports Centre (unless pesky student exhibitions dictate otherwise) at around 7:00pm, but this month the meeting is scheduled for 6:45pm – and while the meetings usually run until 9:00pm, this one is scheduled to end at 8:30pm. The reason for the change is that it’s the College’s summer break, during which it tends to close earlier.

So other than the slight change of time, the usual arrangements apply. The address of the venue is:

Itchen College Sports Centre,
Deacon Road,

The car park can be accessed from Deacon Road opposite Whites Road, and attendees should head for the College centre, an open area with tables and chairs next to the Sports Centre Reception desk.

Entry to the meeting is free, and visitors are welcome to bring along any hardware or software they wish to discuss or show off to the group. There should be at least one small network of RISC OS computers, and hopefully an internet connection.

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