David Ruck to visit ROUGOL on Monday, 16th October

To talk about his Knight of the Round Table Disc!1

David Ruck – aka Druck in online circles – will be the RISC OS User Group of London‘s next guest speaker. David is very well known in the Acorn and RISC OS worlds; he has been on the committee The ARM Club for many years (and Chairman for a good many of those), and is responsible for a number of RISC OS software titles.

Perhaps most famous of those titles is DiscKnight, which has come to the aid of many RISC OS users when they’ve had problems accessing data on failing or faulty drives. It’s an application for checking and fixing FileCore format discs, and will be one of the subjects covered by David in his talk, though he does warn that this could get very technical very quickly.

The talk will also cover a bit of David’s history, with the various Acorn machines representing milestones, as he discusses the various titles his written over the years.

The meeting – which is free to attend – will take place on Monday, 16th October, starting at 7:45pm at:

The Blue-Eyed Maid2 (upstairs in the restaurant),
173 Borough High Street,
SE1 1HR.

The venue sells a range of hot and cold food, and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and is located between London Bridge and Borough tube stations – which are both a mere five minute walk away, through well-lit streets with CCTV coverage. There is ample cycle parking nearby, also benefiting from CCTV coverage.

Drivers should note that the Congestion Charge ends at 6:00pm, well before the meeting starts, but this is central London, so extra time, patience, and maps are all recommended. Parking on double red lines is restricted at all times, while on single red or yellow lines it is best not to park until after 7:00pm.

ROUGOL can be contacted by email, via Twitter, or by telephone on 07970 211 629 if you need any help finding the meeting, or for any other information.

And finally, don’t forget that ROUGOL is the group that organises the RISC OS London Show, which takes place later this month – specifically, on Saturday, 28th October, at the St Giles Hotel, Feltham, bringing the Long Gap to a close. The list of exhibitors is already looking very healthy, which promises a great day, and includes the welcome return of Martin Würthner, who hasn’t exhibited at a UK show since Wakefield 2016.


  1. Lest anyone has forgotten, the original version of RISC OS wasn’t called RISC OS – it was called Arthur, with the name (and acronym) RISC OS adopted for version 2, which was released in 1989. This was long before DiscKnight was ever written, of course, but let’s not be pedantic about such trivial points.
  2. I wonder if the Blue-Eyed Maid’s tables are round. They obviously should be.

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