R-Comp have announced that they have a stock of 25 inch LED-backlit monitors. These monitors, from a well-respected brand, offer excellent picture quality, with built-in ISF/image calibration features, and provide HDMI, VGA and older analogue connections, allowing you to use them with older computers such as RiscPCs and IYONIX pcs, as well as digital computers such as the ARMini or RISCube. These screens also have built in freeview, allowing their use as ordinary TVs.
The price? The same as their recent 23 inch monitors – £239, inclusive of VAT and delivery, when purchased with a computer, or £245 inclusive when purchased on their own, and a 27 inch version is also available for a higher price. Suitable cables are also available for a low price; enquire when ordering your screen.
Phone R-Comp on 01925 755 043 if you are interested in purchasing one of these screens.
In addition to this, R-Comp have also announced a seasonal offer on the ARMini computer. For the next few weeks (probably ending in the first week of January 2012), they will be upgrading all ARMini computers purchased from 8GB to 16GB, free of charge – and if customers want further upgrades on top of that, they’ll be suitably discounted as well. Finally, if this offer is combined with the one above, they’ll probably even throw in a cable.
If you’ve been thinking about buying an ARMini, then, now would seem like a good time to do so.