Announcement from Andrew Rawnsley, 20th February 2014 It’s now just a little over a week until the SW RISC OS show at the Webbington Hotel near Weston-super-mare, just south of Bristol. The show runs from 10.30am to 4pm on Saturday 1st March. As well as a wide selection of RISC OS exhibitors, there will also be space set aside for a “bring-your-own-computer” Raspberry-Pi-style “jam”, where you’ll be able to show what you’ve been up to, and test things out on fellow enthusiasts.
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Three UK Show dates for your 2014 diaries
Don’t say you haven’t been given plenty of advance notice! RISC OS South West Show The date for the South West Show, usually the first show of the year, was initially published on this site in the 2013 Portsmouth Show report – but, in case you missed it (along with the fairly large advert1 for the show which, at the time of writing, is staring at you from the left hand side of this page), it’s set for Saturday, 1st March, 2014.
Read MoreRISC OS South West to go ahead again in 2013
Da-na na-na na-na na-na na – Showtime! After last year’s ‘near miss’ in the South West, when it began to look as though the usual RISC OS Show for the area wasn’t going to go ahead until new organisers stepped up at the last minute to save the day, it’s good to have a date announced in plenty of time for the 2013 show. The 2012 show’s last minute saviours were Andrew Rawnsley of R-Comp and Richard Brown of Orpheus Internet, and the dynamic duo* have once again teamed up…
Read MoreThe South West Show is dead – long live The South West Show
This year’s RISC OS South West Show almost didn’t happen. Paul Middleton of RISCOS Ltd, the show’s organiser for the last few years, revealed recently that he normally waits for the Webbington Hotel, the show’s usual venue, to reduce the prices of the rooms in which the show can be held – and it seems even more recently (early January, according to Archive 23:4, p4), Paul said that he wouldn’t be organising another show. Richard Brown of Orpheus Internet soon stepped up, with Andrew Rawnsley and R-Comp joining him to…
Read MoreSouth West Show goes ahead with new organisers
The first show of the RISC OS calendar is usually the South West Show, which traditionally takes place during February. Paul Middleton of RISC OS Ltd, who has been organising the show for the last few years, is reported in Archive Magazine issue 23:3 to have told Jim Nagel, the editor, that “he usually learns a date at the last minute when the hotel offers special deals”. However, even last year’s show, which was held later than usual, in March, was officially announced towards the end of November 2010, and…
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