Charm 2.5.6 released

There’s a new version of Charm, Ee i ee I/O Peter Nowosad of Qubit Consultancy Ltd has announced the availability of version 2.5.6 of Charm, his high level programming language for RISC OS computers. Released under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 licence, Charm comes with a compiler that generates efficient code with a small memory footprint, and a desktop shell that supports easy editing, compiling, assembling or linking of multiple files. Charm is described as “a simple to learn yet powerful object oriented high level language.” The latest update…

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Basalt 1.42 beta released

Beta Basalt for a better BASIC. Steve Drain, developer of Basalt, has released a new version of the module. Short for BASIC Alternative keywords, Basalt is a module that adds many additional keywords and features to all versions of BBC BASIC V, the built in programming language included as part of the ROM (or ROM Image) in all versions RISC OS. Version 1.42 beta is intended as a stable – with a bracketed question mark in Steve’s announcement – version of the previous alpha version, with additional features:

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Charm 2.5.5 released

A sunbeam to warm you, a new keyword to charm you. Peter Nowosad of Qubit Consultancy Ltd has announced the availability of version 2.5.5 of Charm, his programming language for RISC OS computers. With a compiler that generates efficient code with a small memory footprint, and a desktop shell that supports easy editing, compiling, assembling or linking of multiple files, Charm is described as “a simple to learn yet powerful object oriented high level language.”

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Absoluately new

Absoluately fabuluas. RiscLua is a dialect of Lua adapted for use on RISC OS computer systems, and its maintainer, Gavin Wraith, has reorganised the download page on the RiscLua website, and added a handy new application for developers using the language. The download page now has the distribution split into separate, smaller zip files containing RiscLua itself, example programs, utilities, the source code and the StrongHelp manual – and the new application, called Absolua.

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BASIC libraries galore

Steve Drain has released a number of BASIC libraries, and a new version of the Basalt module. The Strings BASIC library provides routines for handling long strings, referenced by normal string variables. All the standard string keywords are emulated and work with any combination of normal string variables and expressions and long strings. Written to explore a new idea for providing long string support in Basalt, which is yet to be fully written, Steve is releasing the library because it may be of interest.

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You have my number; call me

Call is a newly released (beta) module by Steve Drain, designed to send WIMP messages to an application – and therefore allowing the application to carry out specific functions – after a set period, or at regular intervals. The RISC OS timing system and call-back mechanism is normally used by way of two SWIs (software interrupts): OS_CallAfter and OS_CallEvery, which are used to set up an interval and point to an address in memory; if OS_CallAfter was used, then after the interval has passed, the code at the specified address…

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Charmed, I’m sure

Peter Nowasad of Qubit Consultancy Ltd has announced the availability of version 2.1 of Charm, described as a free, simple to learn yet powerful high level language with a compiler that generates efficient code with a small memory footprint. Aimed in particular at the RiscPC or an emulator such as RPCEmu, the software comes with a desktop shell that supports easy editing, compiling, assembling and linking of multiple files, and allows a number of configuration options for the utilities to be set through menus. The Charm source code itself is…

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Cash prize offered for USB audio functionality

Hot on the heels of the announcement from RISC OS Open Ltd about their bounty scheme, Jim Lesurf has announced a ‘cash prize’ of £300 for someone (or a group): To develop the USB stack/interface, user API, etc, to allow [modern high quality USB devices like the Halide Bridge, Arcam rDAC, etc] to be ‘plug and play’ with ‘native’ ARM hardware running RISC OS. Thus enabling RISC OS users to make use of modern USB devices for high quality audio playing (and recording). Jim goes on to detail on the…

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Quick fix for IyonixPC year increase bug

IMPORTANT UPDATE: RISC OS 5.16 is now available from RISC OS Open Ltd. This an official release and, as well as a number of other updates and improvements to RISC OS 5.xx, if programmed into the Iyonix ROM will solve the clock problem described below. This means the program presented below to act as a temporary solution to the problem is now no longer necessary. If you are using it, please remember to remove it from your boot sequence prior to rebooting your updated computer. However, please note that if…

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