Southampton meeting – 11th April

No bunnies were harmed sent on their holidays in the arranging of this meeting.

If London on the Easter weekend is still too daunting for you, the next Southampton RISC OS User Group meeting will take place six days earlier, on Tuesday, 11th April.

However, this doesn’t coincide with any public holidays and is a normal working day, and there aren’t as many famous tourist attractions in Southampton as there are in London anyway. Readers could therefore be tempted to conclude that I’m just using the London meeting as a basis to add some verbiage to this announcement – and rightly so. Ahem.

The meeting kicks off at 7:00pm, and runs until 9:00pm, and there is no entry fee – anyone with an interest is welcome to attend, and can bring along any software and/or hardware for showing off to the group, or seeking help or just generally playing with, and so on. There will be at least one small network of RISC OS computers – and there should hopefully be an internet connection.

So where in Southampton is it? Try here:

Itchen College (the Sports Centre),
Deacon Road,

The car park entrance is accessed from Deacon Road, opposite Whites Road, and visitors should head for the College Centre, an open areas with tables and chairs that can be found adjacent to the Sports Centre Reception desk.

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