Southampton tomorrow, Bristol the next day… then, the WORLD! BWAHAHA! Or something.
Tuesday, 10th November sees the Southampton RISC OS User Group meet up, from 19:00 until 21:00 at its usual venue, the Sports Centre of Itchen College, Deacon Road, Southampton. The meeting takes place in the College Centre, which is an open area with tables and chairs, adjacent to the Sports Centre Reception desk.
There’s no charge for attending the meeting, and everyone is welcome. Organiser Dave Higton says, as usual, to bring along any software and/or hardware you want to try out, etc.
The next day, Wednesday, 11th November, is the next meeting of the Bristol RISC OS Users, who meet up for a drink and a chat in the Hope and Anchor Pub, Jacobs Wells Road, Bristol, BS8 1DR. The group aims to arrive for around 7:30, and can usually be found on a table around the corner to right of the bar.
There isn’t a set topic, so the discussion usually varies and often covers recent or upcoming events, and sometimes members bring along their pet projects for the others to enjoy. This time around, expect to see ‘Project Orac’ from Chris Hall.