Party time, time runs out, everybody’s infected invited1 It’s a very last minute announcement, but the next meeting of the RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) is tonight (Monday, 19th August, from 7:45pm) and because it’s one of those rare meetings for the group where there is no formal speaker, the evening is being billed as a summer party.
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Two ways you can visit an Acorn World event in September
The first is to use a time machine1 The second method is much easier. All you need to do is be in Cambridge – more specifically the Centre for Computing History – on Saturday, 21st and/or Sunday, 22nd September, because that’s when the museum will be holding its own Acorn World event – as it has done for the last couple of years.
Read MoreAcorn World exhibition in Cambridge – 8th and 9th September
The Centre for Computing History, a computing museum based in Cambridge, will be playing host to an event this coming weekend that should be of interest to any and all fans of Acorn Computers: Acorn World 2018. Organised by the Acorn and BBC User Group (ABUG) in association with the museum, the event will run from 10:00am until 5:00pm on both Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of September, and will offer an eye-popping range of hardware and software from both the Acorn and post-Acorn eras, with many of…
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A modern event with a retro bent! In just over a week’s time, the Centre for Computing History, based in Cambridge, will be hosting an event that should be of interest to anyone with fondness for computers that came from the Acorn stable – Acorn World 2017. The event has been organised by the Acorn & BBC User Group in association with the museum, and will give visitors an insight into how Acorn started, some of their innovations, and the legacy they left behind – successes such as ARM and…
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