Gavin Smith, the new editor of Archive, has announced his plans for the magazine, including an expected date for the first issue to be published with him at the helm, the schedule moving forwards – and of course subscription prices.
Subscribers recently received issue 24:6 – a rounding off of the previous volume, edited and published as a fitting tribute to the late Jim Nagel by his family. The next issue, therefore, will mark the start of Gavin’s editorship by also being the start of a new volume, and that issue – 25:1 – can be expected to appear in mid-October.
From that point forwards, the magazine will be a bi-monthly affair; volume 25 issue 1 will be the October/November edition of the magazine, and the next, a couple of months later, will be the December/January issue, then a couple of months after that the February/March issue will appear, and so on.
(Observant readers will notice that these dates should coincide quite neatly with UK shows when they are again able to take place, with an issue scheduled to appear in the same month as the events – October for the London Show, February for the Southwest Show, April for the Wakefield Show.)
New subscription prices are £40.00 for one year (six issues) for UK subscribers, £46.00 for those in Europe, and £50.00 for the rest of the world.
Existing subscribers will have their remaining subscriptions fulfilled in digital form – as PDF files – with no further action necessary on their part. However, the first issue will be sent out in printed form to everyone who received the final ‘Nagel’ issue – so every subscriber should receive at least one more issue in printed form.
If you’d rather receive printed copies of the magazine, Gavin can offer a reduced price for existing subscribers to switch from digital to physical copies – get in touch with him for more information; contact and subscription details can be found on the Archive Magazine website.