Keith Richard Keefe, who is working on the 32-bit conversion of Impression, is planning to visit the Southwest Show on Saturday, but has been unable to commit to an all-day stand. R-Comp have therefore stepped in to provide “retail duties” and willhave a stock of CDs available to buy from their stand.
The version supplied can be registered with the !Store application, and with the developer himself, for future updates.
Impression was originally developed and sold by Computer Concepts, from whom it was acquired in 2003 by X-Ample Technology, with the aim of producing a 32-bit compatible version called Impression-X. In 2013, some ten years on, development had seemingly stalled – but there was a surprise exhibit to be seen at that year’s Southwest Show: a version of Impression-X was shown running on a PandaBoard on the ROUGOL stand – albeit still running with the assistance of Aemulor – with updated information in the ‘Info’ window, revealing new development work by Richard.
Since then, Richard has been putting in regular appearances at shows, reporting on the progress he has made with the software, and selling copies of the latest version, priced at £60.
There are three mailing lists for the software on Freelists – one for announcements, one for reporting bugs, and a general discussion list. Richard has also registered a domain and has plans to set up a website, but that is still to come.