Announcement from Theo Markettos, on behalf of the GCCSDK developers, 26th September, 2015.
The RISC OS GCCSDK developers are pleased to announce the GNU Compiler Collection version 4.7.4 RISC OS release 2, which is now available for download.
The main feature of this GCC release is Vector Floating Point (VFP) support, suitable for use on ARMv6 and ARMv7 platforms. This behaves similarly to VFP on other GCC ARM platforms. See the documentation inside !GCC for more details on how to build programs with VFP support.
Other changes include:
- Unixlib: Add support for __cxa_atexit (r6754, r6778, r6916).
- Unixlib: Add support for clang/llvm (r6755).
- Unixlib: When the size of an mmapped file is not a multiple of the page size, zero the remainder (r6772).
- Unixlib: Add VFP support (r6795, r6867).
- Unixlib: Add support for naming pthreads.
- Unixlib: select() fix; only report a file descriptor as bad if it was given in one of the sets (r6862).
- GCC: VFP fixes (r6869).
- GCC: Make -mno-unaligned-access the default (r6796).
- GCC: Fix handling of section anchors in module code (r6866, r6871).
- GCC: Fix potential stack frame corruption (r6897)
- Dynamic Linker: Fix handling of ‘:’ in path variables (r6870).
- Dynamic Linker: Add VFP support (r6797).
- SharedUnixLib: VFP support (v1.13, r6795)
- SharedUnixLib: fix memory leak (v1.14, r6905)
The release can be downloaded from the repositories using PackMan, which will fetch and install all the pieces for you, or you can follow the manual installation instructions. For more details see:
Our thanks go to all those who have contributed to this release.