Something lacking from the tail end of last year was any kind of awards poll on any of the RISC OS news and information websites. Until its switch from active publishing to ‘archive’ mode, Drobe traditionally held an awards poll, and then The Icon Bar picked up the baton – until last year.
This year, RISCOScode has taken on the task. Martin Hansen explains that “No expense has been spared; A specially designed Acorn Nut Trophy will be presented to each category winner in the new year.” He also adds that “For the first time, each nomination is also a link to the relevant website or other source of further information. So, voters are able to easily make informed decisions about what to vote for.”
To cast your vote, head on over to the awards page at RISCOScode.
I’d encourage you to vote for RISCOSitory in the “Best Online Resource of 2011” category, for providing news and mailing lists, but it somehow got missed in the nominations. Oh well, maybe next year, then. 😉