StreetFix gains support for multiple languages

A new version of StreetFix has been released by Kevin Wells. The software provides a means for RISC OS users to report and check upon local issues, such as damaged street furniture, potholes in the road, and so on – all from within an application on the RISC OS desktop, rather than via a web browser.

The updated application now stands at version 1.08, and the two changes Kevin has highlighted with this release are the addition of Australia as a country in which the software can be used, and support for multiple languages, with Norwegian, Swedish, and Welsh being added to the existing English.

StreetFix needs Wget to be installed in order to work, because it uses that to relay requests and information over the internet connection to one of a number of remote sites:

If you find any of Kevin’s software, why not consider rewarding him for it by buying some merchandise or with a small contribution.

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