RingBind reaches version 0.20

And there’s now a beta version of the Impression User Manual in Bound format

Chris Hall has made available a new version of RingBind. The application offers an alternative way to view user manuals and other publications on screen, making them look like ring-bound manuals, as though open on your desk – provided they have first been converted to the Bound format (and file-type).

With version 0.20, a few bugs have been corrected, and the software now correctly implements page-to-page links – so rather than thumb (in a virtual manner) your way through the manual to find the right page, you should now be able to click a link within it to take you straight to where you want to go.

The updated version of the software can be downloaded from Chris’ website – and he says he’ll make it available from !Store when it’s possible to do so. (The site is currently reporting an error).

Meanwhile, he has also been working on converting the 368-page Impression User Manual to Bound format, and a beta test version is available to download. Not all potential links within the manual are implemented as yet – with a manual that size, it’s likely to be a long job.

Chris notes that he is currently maintaining the manual, which is copyright RISC OS Developments, and would welcome any feedback and corrections to its contents. As well as the beta RingBind version, it can also be obtained as a PDF file when purchasing Impression-X from !Store, and is now also available to users of the free !Style – and if you are able to get to any RISC OS shows, you’ll be able to purchase a physical copy from Chris as well, while stocks last.

Another publication under conversion for use in RingBind is the RISC OS 5.30 User Manual. Apparently, there are 3,195 internal links in the PDF version that need to be added to the Bound version – with 55 done, and 3,140 to go! I think Chris should probably try finding a way to automate that!

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