And more updates to RingBind When Chris Hall announced version 0.20 of his RingBind application, which allows (specially converted) documents to be viewed on the desktop as though they are physical tomes on the desk, he made available a beta version of his current work-in-progress – a conversion of the Impression User Manual.
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RingBind reaches version 0.20
And there’s now a beta version of the Impression User Manual in Bound format Chris Hall has made available a new version of RingBind. The application offers an alternative way to view user manuals and other publications on screen, making them look like ring-bound manuals, as though open on your desk – provided they have first been converted to the Bound format (and file-type).
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During 2021, Chris Hall released a new application called RingBind, intended as an alternative way to present user manuals and other publications on screen. At the point it was noticed here in the Bunker and reported on this site it had reached version 0.15 – and after the most recent update it now stands at version 0.18.
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