If you’re attempting to keep count of the number of different models of RISC OS computer available from RISCOSbits, you’ll have run out of fingers a long time ago – as well as toes and any other body parts you can use to help count. I have spare fingers lying around (don’t ask) and I’ve run out.
Whatever the number, it has now been increased with the PiRO Qube, which RISCOSbits’ Andy Marks has announced as part of the Pi Hard range.

Starting at £139.00, the PiRO Qube is based on a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 with 2GB RAM and running at 2GHz. The machine is supplied in a DeskPi Mini Cube case measuring just 60mm wide by 60mm deep by 43mm high – which technically makes it a (rectangular) cuboid, so ought perhaps to have been called the PiRO Quboid.
That small form factor case is home not just to the Compute Module and the connectors necessary to bring the various ports to the rear of the case, but a 2242 NVMe slot, which can be used for Linux, and an internal fan and heatsink. But not forgetting RISC OS (!), the PiRO Qube comes with RISC OS 5.29 as standard and a wide selection of software all on a 64GB microSD, with the option of of a 32GB eMMC instead.
A second new product – rather than a new machine – is a PiRO Noir SSD Base, which Andy says pulls that system “even more firmly into the Pi Hard family”.
Priced at £30.00, the base is an upgrade option for people who have the PiRO Noir system, or can be added to your order when buying the system. All you have to do is remove the existing base and attach the new one – and then you can add whatever SSD you choose (which you could also order from RISCOSbits, but you’ll need to contact them for prices).