The latest version of Fireworkz Pro has just been released by R-Comp. The software is an integrated word processor, spreadsheet, and database package that began life at Colton Software, and is now maintained and developed by ex-Colton (and Acorn) programmer Stuart Swales and sold by R-Comp.
Version 2.32.1 brings with it a fix to a rendering issue at some zoom factors that was introduced in the previous release, and the recognised Holidays now includes the 8th May, 2023 one, introduced for the Coronation of King Charles III.
The previous update, to version 2.32, saw a few more changes, including:
- Related to the above, the Holidays were updated with dates for 2022 and 2023, and included the two special ones for 2022; the Platinum Jubilee bank holiday, and day set aside for the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.
- There was a user interface change in dialogue boxes with fields with corresponding up/down arrows to increase or decrease their contents. Now, using the ‘Ctrl’ key in conjunction with a click on the arrows sets the value to the highest or lowest allowed values.
- TSV (tab separate value) files with file type &F0D are now recognised and imported in the same way as CSV (comma separated value) files, and detection of such files when they lack the correct file type is now improved.
- There is now more consistent use of https:// versus http:// in URLs, the documentation of spreadsheet functions is greatly improved, with much included that was previously missing.
Fireworkz Pro can be downloaded from !Store as a free upgrade for users of version 2.30 or later. For anyone new to the software, the price is just £39.00.