Yesterday was Pi Day, a name reflecting that if you write your dates in either Overpuddlian form (mm-dd-yyyy) or as specified by ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) – in both cases ignoring the year – you get 3-14, which sort of looks like Pi to two decimal places if you squint a bit so that the dash looks like a decimal point. A fitting day, then, for the Raspberry Pi Foundation to release another version of its credit card-sized computer: A ‘+’ version of the Raspberry Pi 3 model B.
The most notable change for day to day use are that while the Pi 3B+ sports the same processor as the Pi 3, the ARM Cortex-A53, it’s running at a higher speed – 1.4GHz rather than 1.2GHz. Another notable change is that it also features Gigabit Ethernet over USB 2.0, compared with the previous 100 megabit, support for power over ethernet (via a separate HAT device). Hopefully, RISC OS will soon be updated so that it can be used on the new Pi.