Elesar Ltd has released a new version of its Linux micro SD card for the Titanium motherboard. The original Titanium build featured version 8.1 of Debian (Jessie), and the new release features version 8.7. The company says there have been lots of technical changes since the previous release, but the two most obvious ones for customers will be that DHCP is enabled by default, and that there are now CD/DVD-ROM drivers built in by default – so there is no need to resort to arcane command lines to install them.
For those who feel capable of imaging their own micro SD card, full instructions can be found on GitHub, and the company also provides GoLinux [zip] as an additional resource for the Titanium motherboard – an application for RISC OS that reboots the computer into Linux. And for those who bought the earlier micro SD card and who have at least one support token remaining, the company will re-image the card – simply get in touch with them to arrange things.