Gains Gemini Man functionality1.
Fred Graute has released a new version of MiniTime, an application that displays the date and time in a small icon or window, without being obtrusive and getting in the way of the day to day usage of the computer.
There have been a couple of changes to the user interface in version 1.07:
- A new feature is that double-clicking on the MiniTime window will lower it in the window stack for five seconds – a quick and easy way to move it out of the way, without changing its location, if you need to get at something in the window below it.
- In the application’s choices, the option covering the icon bar position – which was a tad cryptic – has been expanded into two, making it easier to understand.
In addition, Fred has dealt with a number of bugs, misfeatures, and other issues:
- Dragging the MiniTime window often triggered an unintended boomerang effect, whereby it would jump back to a previous location – this has now been fixed.
- When the screen mode or desktop font is changed the window is now resized rather than recreated, which should avoid a potential abort in subsequent ‘Open window’ event.
- Again, when the screen mode or desktop font is changed, the time icon is now recreated in such a way that it stays in the same relative position.
- Where the time is shown in the icon bar icon, the main menu is now opened at the same vertical position as other icon bar menus.
The application was written as an answer to James Freeman’s SmallTime, which performs much the same purpose, but doesn’t work on modern RISC OS hardware, and comes with a licence that doesn’t allow for the distribution of modified versions. In order to prevent the same problem again in future, Fred has released MiniTime under the three-clause BSD licence, and the source code is included.
- Well, sort of, if you count having its position in the window stack lowered as a form of invisibility, ignore the fact that it’s for five seconds and not fifteen minutes, and completely disregard that the Gemini Man‘s fifteen minutes was a daily limit, not a fixed amount of time for each bout of invisibility.
So completely different things, then, really.