Announcement from Organizer, 25th February, 2016.
New version of Organizer on a Stick at the Southwest Show.
Organizer, the personal information manager for all RISC OS platforms, will be launching an updated version of Organizer on a Stick, with the latest version of all three programs – RPCEmu 8.14, RISC OS 5.22 and v2.24 of Organizer – at the Southwest Show. Organizer on a Stick allows users to access their data on a PC by running Organizer via the emulator RPCEmu from a USB flash drive. The latest version of RPCEmu means full-screen working is possible and the host CD drive is now accessible again.
Version 2.24 of Organizer, launched at last October’s London Show, works closely with Sine Nomine’s RiscOSM mapping software. Enhancements to both programs mean that you can now find map locations of your contacts with just a click, not just from the postcode – which can often be missing or wrong – but from the full or even just part of the address.
In addition v2.24 has a number of improvements to long-standing and more recent facilities. Two requested enhancements are a Sort facility for the Notes index; and the ability to add or cancel All items of an iCal diary import file, instead of having to click through each individually (there is also a bug fix to deal with repeated diary items).
The Planner display introduced in v2.23 at Wakefield has proved very popular and now you can also directly edit alarms from there, instead of having to return to a normal Diary page. And for those who use the cloning facility to use Organizer on more than one platform, it is now possible to restrict Task alarms to specific machines. And there are a number of smaller enhancements and bug fixes.
Full price for Organizer 2.24 (including email support) for new users and user of early versions is £35 and £40 for Organizer On A Stick (including the zip file for loading on to a RISC OS machine). SHOW PRICES (and for a limited period online) are:
- £10 for users of v2.23 and £15 on a memory stick (Full prices £15 and £20).
- Upgrading from other versions of v2.2x to v2.24 costs £20 and £25 for a stick (Full prices £30 and £35).
- New users and those upgrading from from early versions, the cost is £25 and £30 for the stick (SHOW ONLY – prices will be £30 and £35 online).
Organizer 2 is fully featured personal information manager for all RISC OS systems, including Raspberry Pi. It features Diary, Address book, Calendar, Anniversaries and ToDo sections, Notes and Journal facilities. It is developed by Martin Avison for North One Communications Ltd.