Announcement from Chris Evans of CJE Micro’s, 6th September, 2013
After some months out of stock the standard PS2MouseMini is now available again. For more details and to order please see the PS2MouseMini product information page.
NEW! PS2MouseMini A3000
The standard PS2MouseMini couldn’t easily be used with a BBC A3000 as the PS/2 in-line socket stopped the case from sitting flat on a desk. We commissioned a special batch from Stuart Tyrrell Developments (STD) with a longer cable so that the in-line connectors are no longer under the case. The ‘PS2MouseMini A3000’ is now available exclusively from CJE Micro’s for £31.00 including VAT and UK delivery.
For more details and to order please see the PS2MouseMini A3000 interface product information page.
Chris Evans