OpenVector suite 3.43 available

Two’s company, three’s a suite.

A new version of the OpenVector suite is now available.

The three applications that form the suite – OpenVector, OpenGridPro and DrawPlus – are open source enhancements to Draw. The first two of those were originally developed by Jonathan Marten from the third, DrawPlus, and released as commercial applications by 4Mation (as Vector, which featured layering and object library capabilities, and GridPro, which was customised for drawing grids and other regular layouts). They were subsequently made open source, and a 32-bit conversion was then produced by Spellings Computer Services. The sources have since been uploaded to, after which Christopher Martin began working on them.

According to Christopher, the update to version 3.43 includes a number of bug-fixes and capability changes, as follows:

  • Requests to open document windows mid-stack will be honoured.
  • Document windows will not be lost after iconisation by desktop management tools.
  • The -font argument to !OpenVector.!RunImage now works, changing the default font for new text objects.
  • The Library window is more compact.
  • The method by which OLE and scrap files are detected has changed.


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2 Thoughts to “OpenVector suite 3.43 available”

  1. Chris

    I would really like to see this magazine continue. I’d eed assistance with some aspects of website management but I would have no problem with taking on production of the publication itself. So Paul if you are reading maybe you could make contact. In any case thanks for your hard work!

    1. Oops! Wrong post – but I see you also posted something to the same effect to the correct one. 🙂

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