Wake catch up! wake catch up! King news in a Catholic RISCOSitory style. When I resurrected the Snippets format back in July, I commented that it hadn’t brought me entirely up to date with RISC OS news and, with the Midlands Show fast approaching at that point, I predicted that I would very likely fall further behind again. In the period after the show, I’ve only been able to publish a few items on RISCOSitory – mainly show news, which I try to get online ASAP, even if I don’t…
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WebGen2 updated to version 2.48, 2.49
Web gallery app upped and upped again Back around the time of the 2012 London Show, Dave Stratford released an update to his website/gallery generator, WebGen2, bringing it up to version 2.48, and a couple of weeks later he released another update to bring the application up to version 2.49. When presented with a folder of images, the software can produce either a single index page containing thumbnails of all the images, an index page of the thumbnails with a link to pages containing the full size images, or a…
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Gallery generation in a jiffy! Webgen2 is a piece of software written by Dave Stratford to generate a website or image gallery when fed a folder of images, such as JPEGs taken from a digital camera. Featuring a comprehensive set of options for the design of the pages it creates, the application can produce three basic types of site: A single index page containing only thumbnails of the images A single index page containing thumbnails, each linking to a separate page containing the larger version of the respective images. A…
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