In October CJE Micro’s launched a ZIDEFS full size podule, and this year they are following it with a mini podule version, suitable for Archimedes A3000, A3010, A3020, or A4000, and providing the machine with a 44-pin connection for rotating drives, Compact Flash card, or SD card. With support for up to four partitions, and a number of other features, the mini podule can be bought with a 44-pin male connector or a 44-way female connector, for £89.00. If you want some storage as well, £139.00 will get you the…
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News nybble: New ‘ZIDEFS’ IDE interface podule from 4D
4D has announced a new IDE interface podule suitable for the Acorn-era hardware, providing a 40/44pin connection for rotating drives or, with a suitable adapter or interface, compact flash or SD cards. Called ZIDEFS, the podule’s features include support for up to four partitions, multiple podules (up to 3), Master and Slave drives, and more. ZIDEFS comes in several versions: IDE podule with 40 and 44pin male connectors, priced at £89.00; IDE podule with 40pin male and 44pin female connectors, £99.00; IDE podule with CF adapter and 2GB CF (as…
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