So if this was a news nybble, it would be a nybble about having a nibble, then? The RISC OS User Group of London‘s next meeting will take place on Monday, 19th December, and with no set topic of formal speaker arranged, the group will instead take the opportunity to have an informal discussion about what has happened in the RISC OS world during 2016, and what people hope to see happen in 2017 – and all of this over a drink and a meal.
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Elesar brings Black Friday to RISC OS
Not to be confused with Black Thursday1. In the Untidy States of Overpuddle2, the fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving, a public holiday that dates back a few hundred years. Not dating back quite so far, and not an actual holiday, the day after this has become known as Black Friday, which is considered to be the first day of the Christmas shopping season, and most large retailers have promotional sales to celebrate it.
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And you won’t even need to go to the bar first! The Titanium motherboard from Elesar Ltd features a pair of DVI-I video connectors, each of which is capable of driving a 1920 x 1080 display, with full 24-bit colour – and visitors to the the Southwest Show on Saturday will be able to see it doing just that, with both video outputs being utilised to display a single desktop spanning two screens.
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…by way of ROOL – that’ll be RISC OS Open Logistics, then! If you’re in the market for some swanky new hardware from Elesar Ltd and want to shave off the price of shipping, you can purchase it online and arrange for collection at the Southwest Show, which takes place on Saturday, 27th February.
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