WROCC to perform some NICanatomy – 8th January

Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club logo

The Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) usually meets on the first Wednesday of each month, with the occasional exception. One such change often happens in January, when the regular day is often very close to New Year’s Day – and it doesn’t get much closer than it did this year.

The group’s first meeting will therefore take place on Wednesday, 8th January – a week later – at which they will be using one of Elesar Ltd’s NIC designs as a case study to follow the process that leads from concept, through prototype, to end product.

They will also recap on some of the features to be found in Elesar’s CloudFS, which connects to cloud storage service pCloud – and to test the both together, they will then attempt a live demo of connecting to pCloud on a system that uses the very NIC previously examined.

The meeting has an official start time of 7:45pm and, as is now the norm for WROCC, it will be held online using the Zoom video conferencing system, with anyone welcome to join – membership of the group is not a requirement.

If you wish to participate, you’ll need a computer or other device compatible with Zoom, along with the meeting credentials to allow you to log in. These remain the same as other recent WROCC meetings, so you’ll have them if you’ve attended any, and are available on request if you haven’t.

Although the meeting is open to any RISC OS user, regardless of WROCC membership status, it’s well worth supporting the group by joining; the cost is just £7.50 each year, and you get the group’s self-titled monthly newsletter sent to your inbox as a PDF file, along with access to their online discussion forum.

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