Updates for MusicMan and MusicCD are available from R-Comp. Both applications, now at version 2.22, have been updated to remain compatible with the latest versions of RISC OS, and have also been pointed in the direction of a new online database for audio CD look-ups; FreeDB, the service previously used, was recently closed. In addition, MusicCD has been moved onto the same 2.22 codebase as MusicMan, and has therefore gained some features from it – in particular the ability to lookup information online, such as cover art, artist or composer information, etc.
MusicMan is a music management system that, as well as digital playback of your CDs on modern RISC OS computer systems (or analogue on older hardware), can convert the CD audio into digital files, with or without compression, in a of a number of formats, such as MP3, FLAC, OGG, etc. – with album art and other information embedded if you choose – so that you can store them on your computer and thereafter play them back more conveniently.
MusicCD, on the other hand, is a little less comprehensive, offering the playback facilities and (now) the online lookup, and is supplied by R-Comp with new computers they sell, and via RISC OS Open Ltd (ROOL) on their NutPi and ePic cards for the Raspberry Pi.
The new version of MusicMan 2 is available for new customers to purchase from !Store – and if you’ve already purchased the software from R-Comp that way, that’s how you upgrade it. Owners of any of R-Comp’s computer systems can download the update to MusicCD from their respective download areas (details of which will have been provided with the computers) – and a new version has also been supplied to ROOL for inclusion in future builds of the relevant SD cards.