The website may be gone, but the Twitter feed lives on!
Some people may have noticed that the RISCOScode website has disappeared. During a brief discussion on comp.sys.acorn.misc, Chris Evans reported that the site’s owner, Martin Hansen, had made the decision to ‘retire’ the site in order to “free up time for other RISC OS projects.”
However, that retirement isn’t all that it seems!
I contacted Martin at the weekend to discuss the possibility of retrieving his most recent copy of the website and archiving it here on RISCOSitory. In reply, he explained his reason for closing the site.
The way Martin operated it was to post a short item on the website, then post that same thing to Twitter. As such, the website’s main content was the same as the content of the Twitter feed – so with that being a free resource, and the website only seeing a small number of visitors, he decided that the site itself was a little pointless and didn’t justify the cost of the domain and hosting.
So what about that archive? Well, Martin rightly pointed out that because all of the news posted to the website was also posted to the RISCOScode Twitter account, the archive is all available on Twitter itself in the form of the old tweets.