Announcement from Steve Fryatt, 2nd February 2014
I’m pleased to announce that after about six month’s of inaction I have finally got around to properly releasing various pieces of software which have been hanging around as test builds on my website. I’m taking the lack of feedback as assurance that they have no lingering bugs… 😉
The updates are all to modules, and alongside some minor bug fixes they have been checked for ARMv7 issues that could affect use on modern hardware. At the same time I have moved the source code from the BASIC Assembler to ObjAsm format (making it more maintainable) and re-licensed everything under the EUPL[1] to bring it in line my other recent releases.
The updated titles are:
- FilerDirPatch 1.11: Make clicks on “Create Directory” in a Filer menu create a new directory (which is how it works in RISC OS Select).
- Fortune 1.20: Display a random fortune cookie when the desktop starts. This version also includes a couple of improvements/bug fixes contributed by Martin Bazley; it’s only taken about five years to release them[2].
- PC Keyboard 2.11 (and 1.11): Control the way that Delete, Backspace and related keys operate on the desktop.
- Windows Keys 0.22: Make the Windows and Menu keys on the keyboard (the “Microsoft ones”) do something useful under RISC OS 4 and RISC OS 6. RISC OS 5 users have something very similar included as standard in their OS already.
- Windows Scroll 0.52: Pan quickly around windows using the mouse.
More information, and copies of all the software (and source code) can be found at I also hope to get them into PlingStore within a few days.
- The European Union Public License, which is Open Source and considered “compatible” with the GPL2 as far as code-reuse goes.
- Mainly because the BASIC Assembler source used ExtBasAsm, and I haven’t had an easy way to build that for a long time. Most of the titles haven’t seen an update since around 2003 for similar reasons.