Kevin Wells has released an update to another of his Wget-based applications, which make use of the command line tool to pass user requests to a remote site and retrieve the results. This time, the application is Currency, written to allow easy monitoring/checking of exchange rates.
Depending what information you need, Currency connects to one of two remote sites:
It uses the Free Currency Converter API website for currency exchange rate data. This will enable you to see the current exchange rate between two specified currencies, and if you choose a specific country in the lower half of the window, some basic information about its currency will be displayed; its name, the three letter code used to represent it, and its symbol.
With a country chosen, as well as that basic information, a button will appear labelled ‘World Bank Data’ and clicking on this will use the second of the two remote sites, The World Bank. This opens up a new window with gross domestic product (GDP) and population data for the last ten years for the country.
Version 1.13 of the application takes into account a change of API key for the Currency Converter site, and adds the ability to save the GDP and population data as a CSV or HTML file.
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