Following the release of a new version of Font Directory Pro in March, having taken over development of the product from LOOKsystems, Elesar Ltd has made available a maintenance update free of charge to those people using version 3.20 of the software.
Font Directory Pro is a boon for those RISC OS users with a hefty font collection, being designed to make managing those fonts – and therefore finding the right one amongst them – much, much easier. The software is actually a suite of six applications – Fonts, Viewer, Choices, Filer, Access, and Reset – that together allow you to:
- Control which fonts are visible at any given time, with the ability to enable or disable fonts dynamically.
- View outline fonts as a grid, or preview text in a variety of colours, weights, and styles.
- Manage your collection through the built in font partition, which is stored within the FontFS filing system.
- Define ‘sets’ of fonts that are suitable for different work flows, allowing you to quickly find the right type of font for the task at hand.
- Customise the way the software works.
- Protect your font collection with a password, to prevent accidental changes being made.
A direct result of some of the feedback that has been received from the software’s growing user base, version 3.21 is a maintenance update. It primarily expands on the interactive help facilities of the package by adding it to the choices application. In addition to that, there have been some changes to the user interface, improving its ease of use and compliance with the Style Guide.
Elesar’s Rob Sprowson also tells me that he has a number of feature requests to be looked at for future versions – so development of the software is set to continue.
Existing users of version 3.20 should by now have received the update by email – so check your inbox if you haven’t seen it. Installation instructions can be found on page 5 of the printed manual that is supplied with every copy.
For new users, the software can be had for £45.00 including VAT, and users of an older 3.xx version can upgrade for just £22.50 – you will be contacted by email to validate your existing copy. Full details can be found on Elesar’s Font Directory Pro product page. The software is supplied with a 108 page printed manual, an installer, and two support tokens.